GHA COVID-19 Guidelines for Medical Travel Programs were developed after consultation with multiple medical travel programs and industry stakeholders. Based on this feedback, the Global Healthcare Accreditation (GHA) Program recognized the need to develop a set of guidelines that are uniquely focused on mitigating COVID-19 infection risks for medical travel patients and companions throughout the entire care continuum, including providing guidance for travel, as well as interactions with the healthcare organization, hotel and ground transportation.
The Certification of Conformance with GHA COVID-19 Guidelines demonstrates to patients, buyers and other key stakeholders that a medical travel program’s (located within a hospital or ambulatory center) operational protocols, practices and procedures have undergone an external review and reflect international best practices designed to keep traveling patients safe as operations resume during or post COVID-19.
The goal of this training is to provide participants with practical examples and considerations for implementing the guidelines within a medical travel program, as well as reviewing the relevant GHA standards and other best practices and protocols used to develop the guidelines. Completing the training is not a prerequisite for proceeding or completing the Certification of Conformance; however, we do encourage selected staff to take the training as it will help with understanding of the certification process. Participants who complete the training will receive a Certificate of Participation issued by the Global Healthcare Accreditation (GHA) Program for Medical Travel Services.
As a patient considering medical tourism, your goal is to choose a healthcare provider that can offer you medical care that is safe and effective. Unfortunately, this task has become more difficult due to the current coronavirus pandemic and infection risks related to travel and healthcare delivery.