Innovative Marketing Strategies for the Evolving Medical Travel Market

November 5, 2025


Discover cutting-edge marketing strategiestailored to the evolving medical travel market. This session will cover digitalmarketing, influencer collaborations, and the role of social media inattracting medical tourists. Additionally, it will explore how to effectivelycommunicate quality and safety measures to build trust with potentialinternational patients in a post-pandemic world.

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Maximizing Patient Outcomes: Strategies for Continuous Improvement in Medical Travel

September 24, 2025


Explore the strategies and best practicesfor driving continuous improvement in the medical travel industry. This sessionwill cover how healthcare providers can establish and utilize Key PerformanceIndicators (KPIs), feedback mechanisms, and data analytics to enhance patientsatisfaction, outcomes, and overall service quality.

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The Role of Big Data and Analytics in Medical Travel

August 13, 2025


Investigate how big data and analytics areshaping the future of medical tourism. Learn how data-driven decision-makingcan optimize patient outcomes and improve operational efficiency. This sessionwill also explore the ethical considerations and privacy concerns surroundingthe use of big data in healthcare, particularly in an international context.

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Patient-Centric Care in Medical Tourism: Enhancing the Experience

June 25, 2025


This session will focus on the shifttowards patient-centric care in medical tourism. We will discuss innovativeapproaches to improving patient experience, from personalized care plans,shared decision making and care partners,  to superior hospitality services. Participantswill explore how cultural competence and empathy can be integrated into themedical travel journey to create truly patient-centered experiences.

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Cross-Border Healthcare Collaboration: Building Global Centers of Excellence

May 14, 2025


Explore strategies for internationalhospitals to create and leverage global networks, fostering collaboration inspecialized treatments, research, and knowledge sharing. This session willfocus on how hospitals can build partnerships to enhance their capabilities andattract international patients. Participants will learn about successful modelsof cross-border collaboration and gain practical insights into overcomingregulatory and operational challenges in global healthcare partnerships.

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Medical Travel Accreditation: Elevating Standards in Global Healthcare

April 2, 2025


Explore the specialized accreditationprocesses designed for medical travel providers and facilitators. This sessionwill focus on how international hospitals can leverage medical travel-specificaccreditation to enhance their reputation, improve patient trust, andstreamline operations in the competitive medical tourism market. The sessionwill also discuss how accreditation can drive continuous improvement in qualityand safety across the entire medical travel journey.

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The Path to Excellence: Boosting Your Medical Travel Program’s Potential

October 9 2024 | 08:00 AM EDT

Are you finding it challenging to deliver an outstanding patient experience throughout the entire journey? Learn how Global Healthcare Accreditation (GHA) can assist in optimizing each touchpoint and minimizing risks for medical travel patients and your program. Looking to boost your medical travel patient numbers? Discover how GHA strengthens your organization's credibility, attracting a global clientele. We'll also explore practical examples of strategies and initiatives you can implement today to enhance the success of your medical travel program.


Building Trust, Driving Growth: A Success Story in Medical Travel Through Exceptional Patient Experiences

May 8 2024 | 08:00 AM EST

Join us for an insightful webinar where we will explore the transformative power of exceptional patient experiences in driving growth and building trust in medical travel. Through a compelling success story presented by Dr. Andrea Maggioni, Director, Global Health at Nicklaus Children's Hospital in Miami, Florida, USA, we will delve into the strategies and best practices that hospitals can adopt to elevate patient experience and expand reach, with the end goal of attracting more international patients.  Exploration of strategies, including the development of key global partnerships and telehealth, will be included.


Certified Medical Travel Professional (CMTP): Is It For Me?

September 19, 2023 | 08:00 AM EST

Medical tourism is about providing patients around the globe with high-quality and affordable medical care options. As with many travel-related industries, it came to a standstill during the pandemic but is now experiencing rapid growth again and offers exciting career opportunities for professionals in healthcare and hospitality. Join Bill Cook, Global Healthcare Accreditation’s Director of Business and Marketing on September 19 at 08:00 AM EST as he talks about the Certified Medical Tourism Professional (CMTP) program and its benefits. Are you working in healthcare, hospitality, as a facilitator? Find out if CMTP is right for you.


Empowering Excellence: Overcoming Key Challenges in Growing Your Medical Travel Program

June 27, 2023 | 08:00 AM EST

Discover the key challenges faced by healthcare providers and industry stakeholders when developing and expanding their medical travel initiatives. Gain valuable insights into the industry's evolving landscape, shifting patient expectations, and emerging market trends. Bill Cook, GHA’s Director of Operations and Business Development will share real-world experiences and best practices to overcome these challenges. From improving your marketing to building trust and loyalty with international patients, this webinar will equip you with the knowledge and tools needed to thrive in the competitive medical travel industry. You’ll also learn about the benefits of GHA accreditation and certification, such as bolstering credibility, attracting a global clientele, and driving continuous quality improvement. Whether you're a healthcare executive, medical travel facilitator, or a destination marketer, this webinar is a must-attend event to unlock the secrets of sustainable growth and establish your organization as a leader in medical travel.


Certified Medical Tourism Professional (CMTP): Is It For Me? How Will It Help Me?

June 13, 2023

Medical tourism is about providing patients around the globe with high-quality and affordable medical care options. As with many travel-related industries, it came to a standstill during the pandemic but is now experiencing rapid growth again and offers exciting career opportunities for professionals in healthcare and hospitality. Join Bill Cook, Global Healthcare Accreditation’s Director of Business and Marketing as he talks about the Certified Medical Tourism Professional (CMTP) program and its benefits. Are you working in healthcare, hospitality, as a facilitator? Find out if CMTP is right for you.


The Future of Medical Tourism - Seismic Changes or Subtle Shifts?

Join us on October 18, 2022 at 10AM EST for a fireside chat with global industry experts as they offer their unique perspectives on where the industry is heading. Don’t miss this opportunity to look out into the future of medical tourism with top industry experts. The webinar will include a time for Q&A at the end.


Monkeypox: What You Need to Know to Stay Safe

Monkeypox is a rare infection that presents with blisters and scabs all over the body. The infection, which was largely endemic in parts of west and central Africa, has recently been spreading in other parts of the world.  Since May 2022, cases of monkeypox have been reported in countries where the infection is not endemic, including parts of Europe and the United States. Although cases of the infection are shown to be dropping, it is still very much around. In this webinar, Heather Saunders, a registered nurse and infectious disease expert and researcher at Johns Hopkins University, and Claudia Jorgenson, Director of Clinical Operations at Global Healthcare Accreditation,  shares important information about monkeypox and the current outbreak.


Medical Travel Strategies for Success During Challenging Times

The past two years have been difficult ones for medical travel programs across the globe. Travel restrictions or an influx of COVID-19 cases (in the case of hospitals) forced some organizations to reduce operations or in extreme cases shut down. While medical travel has increased over the past year and there is pent-up demand for medical travel services, challenges remain with emerging new variants. In this webinar, the directors of three ambulatory centers in Latin America discuss the challenges faced and strategies and tactics deployed for sustaining (and in some cases growing) their medical travel programs and how to integrate resilience into your organization for future challenges


Medical Travel Services: Building Patient Trust in a COVID 19 World

This webinar takes a look at each touch point on the medical travel care continuum and review recommended protocols to reduce COVID-19 risks based on GHA’s recently issued COVID-19 Guidelines for Medical Travel Programs.


Road to Recovery: Aligning your Medical Travel Business Plan with a Post COVID-19 Reality

Learn about:

  • Mitigating potential risks as you move to the “New Normal”
  • Analyzing the four core dimensions of your business model – Key Questions & Issues to Consider
  • Aligning the four core dimensions to maximize preparedness for a Post COVID-19 Reality
  • Considerations for Developing an Action Plan and Timetable
  • GHA COVID-19 best practices related to the Medical Travel Care Continuum