GHA’s Medical Travel Standards 4.1 and 5.0 are accredited by ISQua EEA

Global Healthcare Accreditation for Medical Travel Standards 5.0 (as well as v.4.1 in 2019) have been accredited by The International Society for Quality in Health Care (ISQua EEA), through its accrediting arm, The International Society for Quality in Health Care External Evaluation Association (EEA).

Established in 1985, ISQua is a member-based, not-for-profit community and organization dedicated to promoting quality improvement in health care. It is widely recognized as the “accreditor of accreditors” and the reference point for international healthcare accrediting bodies seeking an external validation of their standards. ISQua accreditation provides assurance that the GHA standards meet the highest international benchmarks for accreditation entities.

ISQua accreditation of GHA’s standards provides assurance to patients, insurers, ministries of health, and other stakeholders that an organization’s medical travel services have undergone a rigorous evaluation against the highest international benchmarks for accreditation entities and are focused on both international best practices in medical travel and continuous improvement.  It likewise demonstrates GHA’s commitment to walk in the shoes of our customers, facilitating our team’s better understanding of the needs and expectations of our clients as they prepare for GHA accreditation.

Official Letter of accreditation can be viewed here.

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