GHA's Advanced Infection Prevention
and Control Accreditation

GHA's Advanced Infection Prevention and Control Accreditation

GHA's advanced Infection Prevention and Control Accreditation aims to demonstrate a health care organization’s commitment to maintaining the highest global standards for internal as well as external threats, including infectious and non-infectious diseases, hospital-associated infections, surgical site infections, and antimicrobial resistance. Our rigorous standards and guidelines help healthcare facilities implement and elevate best practices in infection prevention and control, thus ensuring patient safety, protecting healthcare workers, and minimizing the risk of infectious disease outbreaks.

Achieving GHA’s Advanced Infection Prevention and Control Accreditation demonstrates a health care organization’s commitment to excellence in infection prevention, resulting in:

  1. Improved patient outcomes
  2. Reductions in lenghts of stay
  3. Fewer readmissions
  4. Improved employee satisfaction
  5. Fewer employee sick days
  6. Improved patient and family satisfaction and a healthier bottom line.

The program is designed to foster culture of the highest level of safety, quality and infection prevention and control practives

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