Clínica de Especialidades Oftalmológicas (CEO) Achieves GHA’s Certification for Excellence in Medical Travel Patient Experience

Clínica de Especialidades Oftalmológicas (CEO) in Medellín, Colombia, has achieved Global Healthcare Accreditation’s (GHA) Certification for Excellence in Medical Travel Patient Experience, reinforcing its commitment to world-class ophthalmic care for international patients. This milestone highlights CEO’s dedication to patient-centered services, cutting-edge treatments, and high-quality care standards, further positioning Colombia as a top destination for medical travel.

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أفضل أطباء مرض التصلب اللويحي، وأفضل مستشفيات، وأفضل جراحين على مستوى العالم

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"أفضل مستشفيات القلب وجراحيه وأطباء: دليل عالمي"

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